Project Polaris: vision and capability in organisational change

Projects without vision or vision without projects are equally futile endeavours. Moreover, projects and vision are managed in very different ways. Projects are iterative, sequential, Agile, etc., which have rigorous methods. On the one hand, vision happens spontaneously and can occur after a period of unhindered reflection, whereas projects can only tolerate thresholds of time delays or will cost more and / or risk becoming redundant. However, vision can heuristically solve problems by approaching them from a new horizon with different rules. Projects can change people and systems to adapt and create new horizons in this way; and, therefore, project management methodology (PMM) should govern the control of any system change, albeit without vision, measuring change is a pseudo-science at best and an arbitrary corruption at worst. Although this is no better or worse than simply having an idea and not acting on it. In short vision, combined, and project management are powerful tools in strategic organisational change (Shenhar & Dvir, 2007; Yazici, 2020).

However, neither vision nor capabilities are absolutes; organisations will have these qualities to various degrees. Understanding the vision / capability matrix for your organisation can help determine strategies for enhancing these individual qualities, and creating more synergy between the two. In short, not all projects can have maximum vision and capability, but at least one needs to be strong and the other sufficient for projects to have likely success.

Fig. 1. The Vision Capability Matrix.

Source: Own work.

There are four areas represented above; identifying which cell your organisation falls into determines your overall PMM strategy. 

Low vision / low capability

This situation can happen when first starting out as an entrepreneur or in a small business. Due to the immaturity of the business, there is little policy or experience to guide decision making. In this situation, developing vision can help understand the required capabilities for growing the business and building robust structures. Regardless of the talent of the manager in this situation, there is only so far projects can go as with little capability, there is little to invest, and lack of investment is cited by a number of studies as the number one reason businesses fail (with the caveat of the right kind of investment). As a programme manager, recognising projects where there is a lack of clear goals or understanding of the desired outcome, combined with limited skills, resources, or organisational support to effectively manage and execute the project means intervention measures can be formulated. Trial and error without experience, generic operational enhancement projects, poorly funded community initiatives, and unfocussed research are all at risk of failing without strengthening vision and / or capability.

Low vision / high capability

This situation can happen when there are highly-skilled staff and resources, but poor strategic oversight of how these resources are used. In this situation, the disconnect between the high level of capability and the low level of vision can lead to projects that, while successful in their execution, do not effectively contribute to the strategic objectives of the organisation or meet the actual needs of the market or community they serve. However, it is not always a sign of a weakness in projects that have high capability with low vision. It may be that a project team is charged with making a process more efficient or lean which provides its own tactical rewards (a penny saved is a penny earned). Notwithstanding the benefits of efficiency for efficiency sake, increasing increased vision can help direct what processes should be identified as priority for lean management, as well as direct savings toward other projects which are growing the organisation. A programme manager would need to identify an optimum vision for these types of projects, accepting that some projects, by their nature, will naturally have greater capability than vision. Over-engineered projects, optimising legacy or (soon to be) deprecated systems or processes, flashy IT projects with no clear link to strategic goals, and undemanded luxury features all result from too little vision guiding the work, despite the work itself being successful.

High vision / low capability

This scenario often arises in organisations with ambitious goals and a clear sense of direction, but without the requisite skills, resources, or processes to realise those aspirations. Visionaries and leaders might see where they want the organisation to go, yet find themselves constrained by current organisational capabilities. This mismatch can lead to frustration and underachievement as the grand visions cannot be adequately supported by the existing infrastructure or talent. The key to navigating this dichotomy lies in strategic capacity building and focused development efforts aimed at elevating the organisation’s capabilities to match its vision. This might involve targeted training, strategic hires, or forming partnerships that can fill capability gaps. For a programme manager, identifying such situations early on allows for the proactive management of expectations and the implementation of strategies designed to gradually build the capacity needed to fulfill the organisation’s vision. Projects that are ambitious yet lack a solid foundation, such as launching a new technology platform without the IT support to maintain it, or expanding into new markets without understanding the regulatory requirements, are examples where high vision but low capability can lead to challenges.

High vision / high capability

organisations that find themselves in this enviable quadrant are well-positioned to make significant strides towards their strategic objectives. Here, a clear and compelling vision is matched by the organisational capability to execute on that vision. This alignment allows for the seamless translation of strategic goals into actionable projects and initiatives, driven by teams that have both the skill and the resources to deliver high-quality outcomes. In such environments, the role of the programme manager shifts towards ensuring that the organisation’s strategic vision remains dynamic and responsive to changes in the external environment, and that capabilities are continuously developed to keep pace with or exceed that vision. Success in this quadrant requires maintaining a balance between aspiration and execution, ensuring that vision and capability grow in tandem. Projects in this category are characterised by innovation, market leadership, and the ability to respond agilely to new opportunities. Examples include launching cutting-edge products that set industry standards, entering and dominating new markets through strategic acquisitions, and implementing organisational changes that significantly enhance productivity and employee engagement.


This essay underscores the critical interdependence between vision and capability within organisational change initiatives. The vision/capability matrix not only aids in the diagnostic assessment of an organisation’s current state but also serves as a strategic tool to guide future direction. This synthesis of vision with capability fosters a resilient and dynamic approach to managing change, ensuring that organisations are not only prepared to navigate the complexities of today’s business landscape but are also poised for future success.


  • Conduct Regular Vision-Capability Assessments: organisations should periodically assess their position within the vision-capability matrix to ensure alignment with strategic objectives. This can help in identifying areas requiring attention, be it enhancing vision through clearer strategic planning or augmenting capability through skills development or resource allocation.
  • Invest in Strategic Capacity Building: Particularly for those in the high vision/low capability quadrant, it’s crucial to focus on strategic capacity building. This could involve targeted training programs, hiring strategies to fill skill gaps, or partnerships to enhance organisational capabilities.
  • Enhance Vision Clarity: For organisations identified with high capability but low vision, investing in strategic planning processes to clarify and communicate a compelling vision is essential. This ensures that the organisation’s resources and talents are aligned with a purposeful direction.
  • Foster a Culture of Agility and Learning: Encouraging a culture that values agility, continuous learning, and adaptability can help organisations navigate from any quadrant towards high vision/high capability. This cultural shift ensures that organisations can rapidly respond to changes and seize new opportunities.
  • Implement Integrated Project Management Practices: Adopting flexible and integrated project management practices that can be tailored to the organisation’s current vision and capability level. This ensures that projects are not only executed efficiently but are also aligned with the strategic goals of the organisation.


Yazici, H. J. (2020). An exploratory analysis of the project management and corporate sustainability capabilities for organizational success. International journal of managing projects in business, 13(4), 793-817.

Shenhar, A. J., & Dvir, D. (2007). Project management research—The challenge and opportunity. Project management journal, 38(2), 93-99.

Demerouti, E., & Bakker, A. B. (2023). Job demands-resources theory in times of crises: New propositions. Organizational Psychology Review, 13(3), 209-236.

Heifetz, R. A., Grashow, A., & Linsky, M. (2009). The practice of adaptive leadership: Tools and tactics for changing your organization and the world. Harvard business press.

Kaplan, R. S., & Norton, D. P. (2001). The strategy-focused organization: How balanced scorecard companies thrive in the new business environment. Harvard Business Press.

Beusch, P., Frisk, J. E., Rosén, M., & Dilla, W. (2022). Management control for sustainability: Towards integrated systems. Management accounting research, 54, 100777. Beusch, Frisk, et al. (2022). 

The utility of respect: revisiting lessons taught in How to win friends and influence people

I recently looked again at the best selling book, How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie. The lessons in this book are keeping up well with the times, despite the book first being written nearly 70 years ago (1937). Despite its age, its themes still resonate loudly in today’s workplace and social milieus. I am writing this article partly as a reflection of my own journey in (professional and personal) socialising, but also to revisit themes to reinforce the ideas of this book, in short, to learn to respect other people better. The question of the utility of respect is admittedly tongue-in-cheek as sincerity is the caveat behind all of the advice in Carnegie’s classic canon work.

Below is a summary of some of the key ideas. It is not intended as a comprehensive summary of the book but rather a short guide to core ideas that can help anyone wishing to socialise better. The context of the discussion leans toward those in a career in academia; however, the principles are highly portable to other industries, and even in one’s personal life.

Don’t criticise

This advice requires careful examination, as giving and accepting criticism is paramount to successful growth of the individual and institution. The advice is not to become a conformist, per se, but rather to package criticism into constructive parcels which contain objective analysis and scholarly-backed recommendations. ‘Constructive criticism’ is an art, it requires the ability to self-reflect, as well as understand the challenges inherent in any individual’s or institution’s growth process.

Criticism is something we can avoid easily by saying nothing, doing nothing, and being nothing.

Aristotle (alternatively attributed to Elbert Hubbard)

This rather ironic statement indicates that criticism is a part of life. And yet, there is a way to do so (criticise) without causing grievous harm to the recipient. In fact, as academics, high-quality criticism is valuable, and is the basis for peer-reviewed publications in scholarly journals.

The flipside is that how should one handle criticism? When it is constructive, accept criticism with gratitude – when it is personal or deconstructive, take criticism with a grain of salt. In short, criticise to construct and leave out any personal comments in doing so; do not seek to deconstruct or delegitimise the target, but rather provide a way forward for the recipient to understand the intent of the interlocutor.

Give honest and sincere appreciation.

One of the most satisfying things in life is showing sincere appreciation for someone who has worked hard or has done something well. Acknowledging acts which go ‘above and beyond’ is a duty of every manager toward their team, but also an employee doing their job, even to the bare minimum requires positive acknowledgement. It is important to set the bare minimum to a level that, when achieved, constitutes high performance is important to maintain morale. Below is a scene from the film Office Space which illustrates the problem of always expecting people to work to a higher level than written in their contract.

What are your thoughts on this scene? Write your comments below!

Ways to Make People Like You

Become genuinely interested in other people

This point comes down to sincerity. No one likes to be merely a means to an end. In business, quid pro quo (something for something), is important; in friendships, it is equally important (see Phelan, 2023). However, there is a difference. In friendships, the time between exchange may be longer than in business. In friendships, giving does not expect a return on investment, per se, but once reciprocation occurs, the friendship deepens with trust and further commitment. Without reciprocation, a feeling of ‘being used’ may develop. No matter how mutual value is measured–tangibly or intangibly–parties must feel a mutual benefit to deepen the relationship. However, this does not invalidate acts of altruism, for example, taking care of a sick relative without expectation, however, one may argue that the recipient can, in their own way, show gratitude and thanks, which itself can be a reward and deepen trust and personal feelings.


Be careful about this one. Excessive smiling can be toxic. However, being aware of one’s facial expressions is essential for gaining ‘immediate trust’. It is not just about smiling, but providing facial expressions which indicate approachability. Smiles take on many different characteristics.

Fig. 1. The many varieties of smiles

A group of people with various types of smiles according to AI image generation.

Remembering a person’s name

This one is easy to forget. If you’re like me, sometimes you can forget a name only minutes after being introduced. A commitment to memorising names means finding a way to associate the name to the person’s characteristics. Association is a strong way to memorise as it combines your own intersubjective experience with some visible fact about the person, for example, someone named Malcolm might have very well combed hair, i.e. mal+’comb’. This is highly subjective and depends on your own associations. However, the important part is making an extra effort to remember names.

Make the other person feel important – and do it sincerely.

You might have read that getting someone to talk about themselves is a key way to befriend them. If you take over conversations, and not allow others to get a word in edgewise, then you are making yourself the most important person; however, if you sincerely take an interest in what others have to say, then not only will you build rapport, but also you may learn something.

The only way to get the best of an argument is to avoid it

Always avoid arguments whereby the interlocutors are fighting over their opinions. Descartes is often quoted as saying ‘I think, therefore I am.’ But this only tells part of the story. Descartes was led to this conclusion from the ontology of doubt. The purpose of this doubt is not to fall into a sceptical abyss, but rather to strip away all beliefs that could be even slightly uncertain, to find a foundation for true knowledge. In other words, it is doubt that brings about conscious thought. Doubt is not just about what others say, think and do, but also what one says, thinks, and does. Doubt is the core principle behind academic inquiry, and can help avoid arguments which lack self-scepticism.

In short, show respect for the other person’s opinions. Never say, ‘You’re wrong.’ If you are wrong, admit it quickly and emphatically.

Appeal to the nobler motives

One’s high standard of ethics and a strong centre built around informed principles assure that others will perceive one as reliable and trustworthy. Living by codes such as self-discipline and altruism assure others are attracted to one who is seen as consistent with high quality character. Nobler motives will always trump heuristic arguments intended to solve some short term problem by sacrificing, rather than upholding the greater good.

Dramatise your ideas

Passion is the number one factor behind the decision for someone to work with you as opposed to someone else when all other factors are roughly equal. A qualified unpassionate versus a qualified passionate will inevitably lead to the latter being chosen for friendship, promotion, or any other benefit when someone is choosing between you and others. By ‘dramatise’ it means that you can successfully portray vision to others through a passionate ‘acting out’ of ideas.

Talk about your own mistakes before criticising the other person

Further to the criticism section above, why not make clear your own shortcomings before speaking to someone else about theirs. It may be your job to constructively criticise your team; however, showing humility goes a long way to build trust and honour with those over whom you have authority.

Let the other person save face

Leaving no room for a person to save face means they will either have to accept they are ‘all wrong’ or ‘all right’. This binary thinking happens in a blame culture. Important at work and even more important in friendships, one should always allow a person to save face by allowing for external variables which may have led a person to make the wrong choice. Consider the manager / employee dialogue below:

Scenario 1: Not Allowing the Employee to Save Face

Employer: “John, I’ve noticed that the recent project you led did not meet our deadline, and this has put us in a difficult position with our client. Can you explain why this happened?”

Employee (John): “Yes, I understand the situation. We encountered several unexpected challenges, including…”

Employer (interrupting): “That’s no excuse. We always face challenges. It was your responsibility to foresee these issues and deal with them. Because of this failure, the company has lost a significant amount of credibility and potentially a lot of revenue.”

John: “I understand, but I tried to…”

Employer: “There were clear signs you were falling behind. You’ve let the team and the entire company down. We’ll need to consider serious repercussions for this.”

John (feeling defensive and humiliated): “I did everything I could. The problems were beyond my control.”

Employer: “That’s what everyone says when they fail. We’ll have a meeting with HR about this on Monday. That’s all.”

Outcome: John feels publicly shamed and demotivated. He becomes less engaged at work and starts looking for new job opportunities. The team’s morale drops, seeing how failures are harshly penalized, leading to a culture of fear rather than one of learning and improvement.

Scenario 2: Allowing the Employee to Save Face

Employer: “John, I wanted to talk about the recent project. It didn’t go as planned, and I know this wasn’t the outcome any of us hoped for. Can you share your perspective on what happened?”

Employee (John): “Yes, I appreciate the opportunity to discuss it. We ran into several challenges, including…”

Employer: “I see. These projects can certainly throw us curveballs. What do you think we could have done differently to manage these challenges better?”

John: “In hindsight, we might have benefited from more frequent check-ins with the team and perhaps sought additional resources sooner.”

Employer: “That’s a good insight. I believe in your abilities, John, and I know you did your best given the circumstances. Let’s consider this a learning experience. How can we apply what we’ve learned to improve our processes and prevent similar issues in the future?”

John: “I think a debriefing session with the team to collect feedback and establish new protocols could be beneficial. I also want to explore additional training for myself and the team to better prepare for unexpected challenges.”

Employer: “That sounds like a constructive approach. Let’s work on those action items together. We all make mistakes, but it’s how we learn from them and move forward that counts. I’m here to support you and the team in making those improvements.”

Outcome: John feels supported and valued despite the project’s outcome. He is motivated to identify solutions and improvements, leading to a stronger and more resilient team. The company culture becomes one of continuous learning and support, encouraging innovation and risk-taking without fear of blame.

In short, environments that support open communication, admit mistakes, and encourage learning from failures—without placing blame—can significantly enhance team performance and innovation, and allow people to save face, which ultimately encourages high morale and personal and professional growth for all involved (Edmondson, 1999). Whilst is may be tempting to make exceptions to this rule when someone commits the most extreme acts, saving face is a crucial component of rehabilitation (Braithwaite and Braithwaite, 2001).

In sum, in revisiting Dale Carnegie’s seminal work, ‘How to Win Friends and Influence People,’ nearly 70 years after its initial publication in 1937, the lessons are as relevant today as they were then. The book underscores the central importance of respect and sincerity in building relationships, a premise as valid in academia as in any field. Criticism, a cornerstone of academic growth, when constructively rendered, fosters improvement while preserving dignity. Aristotle’s insight on criticism underscores its inevitability and its potential for constructive, rather than destructive, outcomes. The art of giving honest appreciation, crucial in any leadership or collegial role, fosters a positive environment conducive to exceeding expectations.

Moreover, Carnegie’s advice transcends professional boundaries, advocating for genuine interest in others, the power of a smile, and the importance of remembering names, all of which strengthen bonds. Avoiding arguments by respecting differing opinions and appealing to nobler motives cultivates an atmosphere of mutual respect and understanding. The dramatisation of ideas with passion and acknowledging one’s own mistakes before offering criticism encourages a culture of humility and learning.

The dichotomy between handling criticism without allowing an individual to save face versus a more empathetic approach highlights the transformative power of constructive feedback. The first scenario depicts a demoralizing encounter that stifles growth and motivation, while the second demonstrates how allowing an employee to save face can lead to productive outcomes and strengthened relationships. This illustrates the significant impact of communication style on individual and team development, advocating for a culture that values learning from failures as much as celebrating successes. Through Carnegie’s timeless wisdom, we are reminded of the fundamental human need for respect, understanding, and sincere interaction, principles that remain as relevant today as they were nearly a century ago.


Phelan, M. (2023). Rethinking friendship. Inquiry66(5), 757-772.

Edmondson, A. (1999). Psychological Safety and Learning Behavior in Work Teams. Administrative Science Quarterly, 44(2), 350-383.

Carnegie, D. (2023). How to win friends and influence people. Good Press. [Link]

Braithwaite, J., & Braithwaite, V. (2001). “The Importance of ‘Saving Face’ in Restorative Justice Conferences Involving Young Offenders.” In A. Morris & G. Maxwell (Eds.), Restorative Justice for Juveniles: Conferencing, Mediation and Circles. Hart Publishing.

A move in the right direction: a talent management perspective

‘No prophet is accepted in his own country.’ –Luke 4:24

‘Is it not gentlemanly not to be upset when others do not recognize your abilities?’ –Analects, 1.1

The travel through professional life presents as many challenges as opportunities, and these are what provide experience. Through experience, learning happens, and this causes growth when that learning is followed up by adjustments to practice. Hence, the professional development experience, which is neither inevitable nor linear. In short, leaving one job and moving to another is an opportunity to practice the growth from previous employment. Although many may see a move from one workplace to another as a kind of escape (escape from career plateau, demanding work conditions, or even unpleasant colleagues/bosses), it is better when it is a move in the (up and to the) right direction, irrespective of any one factor that may or may not be negative.

One may ask, what are the deciding factors in moving to a new job? Tangible and intangible reasons present themselves when looked at carefully. It may be that the factors are so overwhelming, a decision appears simple. For example, a significant promotion or better location can make a job more immediately attractive. However, what happens when a move is lateral or marginally (up and to the) right? Factors such as organisational culture, professional development opportunities, and a term this article coins, ‘job fatigue handoff’, can all play a role in the decision to move jobs. These are all aside from the caveat of personal reasons, such as needing to be local to a sick relative, which can trump professional reasons.

Organisational culture: spending freezes impact quality

Organisational culture plays a significant role in job satisfaction and in turn has a profound effect on ‘voluntary turnover’: ‘…employees are the custodians of a voluntary movement of turnover, whilst involuntary turnover involves processes initiated by organisations to terminate the service of employees’ (Ibid., p. 5). Talent management literature is flourishing in part due to the shortage of skilled workers in Western states, especially in the Industry 4.0 industry milieu (Li, 2022). In short, employers are struggling to recruit and maintain the talent that they need to increase the bottom line.

While recruitment is a fertile area of discussion, the question of this essay is what kind of organisational culture can retain talent? Mainly, it is when a company’s bottom line is not aligned enough with the talents of the employees that the organisation loses money and talent. If an organisational culture becomes so intent on saving money, they may forgot that customers who pay premium rates expect a premium service commensurate with their investment and nothing less than the customers who came before them; degrading departmental capability, canceling quality enhancement initiatives, and limiting professional progression may serve to save money across the organisation, but at the expense of employee and customer morale.

In effect, by cutting the quality of a program, this sacrifices the long-term strategy of talent retention; recruitment is an often expensive and capricious process, so retaining talent is of utmost importance (Muduli and Trivedi, 2020). The phrase ‘never compromise quality’ is the mantra of DSDM Agile, a project management framework that enhances project outcomes through quality focus. Cutting investment in staff and benefits to customers will weaken the organisation’s quality capability; it is a strategy of surrender, i.e., poor leadership, when quality is a bargaining chip.

Professional development: did attending that meeting really make you smarter?

Professional development does not fit well into a factory mentality. Although professional qualification requires demonstrable evidence of learning and practice, each person’s professional development journey is different. When professional development becomes too prescriptive, however, this can prevent an individual from organically making change toward one’s goals and aspirations which will benefit the organisation’s bottom line. A paper qualification is not itself the practice. One must demonstrate one’s bona fide abilities which may or may not be recognised by an external agent. Therefore, vocational and professional qualifications are necessary for professional development. Vocational experience is lived; professional experience may be just yet another Teams meeting in which criticality becomes secondary to conformity, i.e., professional development becomes more about learning the ‘policies’ of the organisation rather than transferable skills (Muduli and Trivedi, 2020).

That being said, a person needs paper qualifications, job title enhancements, and increased pay to coincide with the increased benefits to the organisation. Sectors do matter. In a factory, cutting the jobs of so-called low-skilled workers may be deemed acceptable; however, in industries such as HE, it is imperative that staff are internally developed to retain their talent. Strong efforts should be made to do so. Frank conversations between managers and their team should happen regularly. A mere mention at a meeting for employees not to seek outside employment is not enough. Meetings should happen between managers and individuals to actively retain their talent. When talent is recognised, an organisation should have the capability to quickly promote this person to disseminate their knowledge and practice. However, the impediment to this is when people act politically in cliques to uphold their ‘tribe’s’ influence and power (Haldorai et al., 2020). The conflict of interests in organisations when it comes to professional development opportunities is complicated. The ability to put talent in front of the organisation’s tribal influence is key to long-term success.

Job fatigue handoff

When an employee is at an organisation for x years, a certain number of legacy projects continue throughout the program. However, the problem is that no lifecycle is assigned to these projects so they cannot begin and end in any rational way. As a Director, responsibilities seem only to increase. Streamlining is just double-speak for piling more responsibilities on existing workhorses. This strategy is unsustainable because the workhorse can at any time realise their actual value, that the tangible and existential requirements of the job are not commensurate with the pay package. Job fatigue handoff occurs when an employee voluntarily leaves the organisation due in part to the overwhelming ‘ongoing responsibilities’ which are time-intensive and detract from activities which are higher level, i.e., strategic, in nature.

Job fatigue handoff occurs when the employee moves to another organisation and delegates the employee’s workload to others, feeling relieved that the feeling of always being behind is gone. It is not so much to abandon responsibility as much as it is an opportunity to reset one’s mindset toward accepting only achievable/feasible goals in the future. A novel approach to talent retention would therefore allow a Director to vacate responsibilities for a fixed period to reset deadlines and expectations. Implicit in this recommendation is that the management structure is Agile. If an organisation relies too much on individual talent without supporting it, then it is vulnerable to expensive patchwork tactics which cost several people time they could be using to increase the bottom line. Perhaps four times a year, Directors should have the opportunity to reset with past work neither delayed nor failed, as other staff can seamlessly take it on and build on existing work.

In closing, this essay is not intended as a closed argument, but rather a reflection on moving in the (up and to the) right direction. After all, no organisation benefits from employees hoping to leave at the earliest opportunity. What is needed is a way to retain talent by promoting and encouraging talent at every stage, by challenging and rewarding leadership. Identifying individuals who need this type of management presents its own challenge, but for now, it is enough to say that talent will gravitate toward resources and recognition. If an organisation is to survive long-term, it must invest in both qualities in its staff.